Scholarship Fund | The Institute for Creation Research

Scholarship Fund

Dear ICR,

Do you have a scholarship fund to which l could contribute (the enclosed) ,500.00? l would like to give it in memory of my husband, Ed, who died unexpectedly on 2-14-01 at the age of 36. He could not believe the Bible was true because he could never believe Genesis 1 was true. lf he is in heaven now, God got through to him at the last possible moment.

lf your work can break through this same barrier for just one "Ed" who is still among the living, thanks be to God.

lf you don't have a scholarship fund to assist your graduate students, perhaps you would consider starting one. Otherwise, please use the funds as you see fit for the Graduate School.

Please acknowledge receipt of this gift for tax purposes. Thank you.

Mrs. E.R.
Oshkosh, Wl

We were able to tell this dear friend that we do have a scholarship fund to assist our graduate students and that we were/are very grateful for her help! We share her conviction, of course, that equipping future Christian leaders with the compelling message of Creation and the Cross will be used of the Lord to reach many "Eds." But, how do we even begin to convey the heartfelt sympathy that rose up in each of our hearts on reading this letter? Even as we had to acknowledge our inadequacy, we were reminded, once again, that each of us who are part of the ICR ministry are engaging the enemy in a lifeanddeath battle for the souls of men. With your help and with God's blessing and to His glory, the battle can be won.

Cite this article: Tom Manning. 2001. Scholarship Fund. Acts & Facts. 30 (8).

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