T. rex is here! | The Institute for Creation Research

T. rex is here!

Wanna come face-to-face with this toothy tyrannosaur? Visit the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History when it opens in 2019! The Discovery Center will showcase an abundance of evidence that confirms the accuracy of the Bible.

T. rex is making his home in the Post-Flood World exhibit hall for two reasons. First, ICR will show how well Genesis explains dinosaurs, including evidence that they roamed Earth both before and after the Genesis Flood. Second, this particular exhibit hall is the only place he would fit!

ICR will show how well Genesis explains dinosaurs, including evidence that they roamed Earth both before and after the Genesis Flood. Tweet: ICR will show how well Genesis explains dinosaurs, including evidence that they roamed Earth both before and after the Genesis Flood.

T. rex is here! http://www.icr.org/article/t-rex-here

@icrscience @icrdiscovery

#Dinosaur #ICRdiscovery

Just how big is he?

This animatronic creature stands over 16 feet tall, stretches 33 feet from nose to tail, and weighs about 10,000 pounds! In fact, even though he arrived piece by piece, we still had to cut a larger doorway to get him in his new home.

ICR’s Director of Operations, Henry Morris IV, celebrated the dino’s arrival. He said, "Photos of our T. rex do not do him justice. He is HUGE, much larger when viewed in person. During full animation mode, it is remarkable how realistic the creature looks and moves….Very impressive!"

Stay tuned for more Discovery Center news. Our dynamic dino can’t wait to meet you!

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