'I Liked That God Was There.' | The Institute for Creation Research

'I Liked That God Was There.'

A recent young visitor to the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History made this comment about her tour: “I liked that God was there.” Yes, the message is all about God. He was there in the beginning as Creator, and He became flesh and dwelt with humans as humanity’s Redeemer. The ICR Discovery Center is focused on Christ Jesus because everything in history and creation centers on Him. We see His hand in everything around us, from the smallest subatomic particle to the farthest star.

Visitors’ reactions to the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History are overwhelmingly positive, and the letters we’ve received are too numerous to print. The one on this page and the one on the Letters to the Editor page are typical of people’s responses.

Our family was at ICR’s Discovery Center for the Grand Opening on Monday [September 2, 2019]. We loved it. I appreciated the technology, animatronics, and solid science presentation that confirms what God’s Word clearly states.

But I wanted to share with you what my nine-year-old told me was her favorite part. She said, “I liked that the museum was all about God. I liked that God was there.”

Our kids have either been homeschooled or have attended Christian schools. We go to church and Sunday school as a family each week. We pray before and after meals and before we go to bed. But my little ones still must live in the world, and though she is still young, she already knows how secular much of the world appears. But my daughter also recognized the most precious gift to the world that you provide at your new center: the gift of providing a witness outside the walls of church and the safety of the Christian home. Your center is a beacon, and I pray the message of truth is far-reaching to those in the DFW metroplex and beyond.

God’s blessings,
E. M.

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