Happy Anniversary to the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History! | The Institute for Creation Research

Happy Anniversary to the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History!

September 2, 2020, marks the ICR Discovery Center’s first anniversary. We’re celebrating the occasion with extra-special offerings for guests who visit during the first week of September as we reflect on all God has done through this new facility over the past year.

In spite of the mandatory COVID-19 shutdown for a few months, this past year we welcomed over 25,000 people through our doors to discover how science confirms creation. This included visitors from all over the United States, as well as some international guests. Group visits were especially popular throughout the fall and winter as we hosted large groups of seniors, church ministries, homeschoolers, and students from Christian private schools.

Chris Kinman, Director of the Discovery Center, said, “It has been a great joy to welcome so many to the new ICR Discovery Center since our opening last fall. With the Lord’s provision, we have created a top-notch, world-class facility for so many to enjoy, and for us to be able to witness this each day is such a blessing.”

Customer Service Specialist Ivana Semidey assists guests at the ticket counter and exhibit hall, answers the phone, and manages projects behind the scenes. Seeing the significant impact of this ministry, she said, “It’s exciting to watch guests of all ages engage our ministry with excitement and intrigue as they marvel at the works of our Creator, build their faith, and gain a better understanding of creation science. I love it here!” As one visitor commented:

Absolutely phenomenal exhibits, excellent presentations from ICR scientists, and top-notch planetarium shows! This is a must for everyone to take their family to! People need to understand that science confirms God’s Word! — C. H.

If you have yet to visit the Discovery Center, we hope you’ll plan your trip soon. We’re doing everything we can to make your time here safe, faith-building, and fun. Get details and tickets at ICRdiscoverycenter.org.

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After the shutdown was lifted, the ICR Discovery Center reopened with new hours of operation, limited occupancy, specialized cleaning protocols, and social distancing measures. Due to the Dallas County court order, guests age 3 and older must wear a mask inside the Discovery Center. Please visit ICRdiscoverycenter.org for ongoing updates.

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