ICR Discovery Center Update | The Institute for Creation Research

ICR Discovery Center Update

We’re putting the finishing touches on the outside of the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History! Soon, we’ll install huge tiles of fossil replicas along the main wall of the building. The paddlefish example shown on this page is 10 feet across and sure to draw attention from passing drivers on this busy street.

Now we’ve turned our focus to the interior details. ICR leadership and science staff are collaborating with creative experts to make these engaging exhibits as biblically and scientifically accurate as possible. This brings up questions few think to ask. What trees best represent the pre-Flood world? Which grasses belong in the Job diorama? Was the wooly rhino brunette or blond?

Our muralist finished backdrops for the Garden of Eden and Flood exhibits, and is now painting Ice Age scenery. Workers are spraying concrete that will eventually contain the garden’s waterfall. And the Grand Canyon exhibit carved deep into the Discovery Center floor is beginning to take shape.

We recently installed over 200 seats inside our new auditorium, where we look forward to hosting science presentations that will encourage and educate visiting families from across the nation. A generous ICR supporter who owns a seating company provided these chairs for the Discovery Center at his cost. We’re so thankful for God’s provision through His people!

Help Us Complete the Exhibits

We’re developing the most educational and inspirational exhibits possible, pointing people to the truth of our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ. Visit ICR.org/DiscoveryCenter to find out how you can join us in this vital project. Partner with us in prayer and help us finish strong!

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